Working Late, Missing Lots
Lately I've been working late quite a bit. The extra tiem itself doesn't bother me much. In fact, when I'm busy the time seems to fly. It's just when I get home I've missed so very much.
- I miss dinner a lot. Eating by yourself or while trying to get in that small bit of time with the kids is not fun.
- I miss relaxing and talking with my wife. After eating, putting the kids to bed and doing a few chores it's time for bed. Not winding down and only sleeping becomes a bit disconcerting. Our longest conversations seem to be over the phone and all to often interupted or cut short.
- I miss playing my video games. There's simply no time. My only video game time is kids games on the Gamecube with the children. They enjoy it, but I usually don't.
- I miss having unplanned time. What little free time is left is very planned out to fit in the things that need to get done when any opening is available.
- I miss sleeping in. I have not slept past 7:30AM since the spring of 2006. I'm not short on sleep, I get enough. It's just the luxury of getting extra sleep that's gone.