Saturday, April 30, 2005

Dental Joy

I went to the dentist for the first time in about 14 years this morning. I'm in pretty good shape for not having any work done in so long. I don't want to go because I simply do not like the pain and I can't use novacaine for various reasons. This is the first time I've seen this guy and he seems OK. I have my first appointment for work in 3 weeks. He's going to do a scaling which is a deep below the gumline plaque scraping. It might be painful, but I'll have to do it without novacaine until I can see an allergist. So, I'm already freaking out about it. And, this isn't even the 7 fillings I need which will be more painful.

He said I should call the day before the appointment if I was feeling nervous and thinking about skipping out. He would perscribe me a Valium to take the edge off and encouraged me to not miss the treatment. I've never had Valium before, so I'm still not sure.

Well, enough blathering about my boring life...

Either tomorrow or Monday we'll be hitting the Chinese buffet in Montgomery IL. I'll post a detailed review shortly there after, typing while my belly is still bursting.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Always behind or bored

Busy comes in large gusts. I go from having nothing to do to my current situation, far too much and not enough time. Why can't it be more even and consistent?

Tonight I have to do code review for my 3 teammates for C++ class, do class participation, buy the kids a swingset and help with my family care duties. Plus I want to spend a bit of time just playing around with the kids. Something has to give and lately it's been sleep.


Just talked to the wife and we're going to Old Country Buffet for dinner. So, I'll get to combine fun with the kids and dinner time together. We can stop by the Toys-R-Us for the swingset on the way there. Hopefully it will all work out and not be another late night.

My brain hurts

So, allergy season has started and mine are in full raging, painful effect. WHen I remember to take that little generic pill I usually don't suffer too badly. But, this morning I forgot ... and the migraine developed. Now a dose of decongestant, 400mg of ibuprofin and lots of Diet Code Red Mountain Dew later I can finally open my eyes and speak to people without wincing.